I love road trips! Long or short, I love the opportunity to be alone on the road. Just me, Jesus, and some tunes. Last night for example, I was driving from Savannah to Hilton Head, its a pretty dark drive at night, which is scary for some, but beautiful for me. The moon was still full, and to top it all off I was listening to my most favorite audio ever right now, Switchfoot's "Hello Hurricane." Amazing! If you haven't heard it, make it a priority in 2010, especially if you are going through something especially storm-like.
Anywhoo, when I got to "Always," last night I was so inspired that I started choreographing in my head. Talk about multi-tasking. And by the end of the song, I was so full, of movement, music, and awe, that I was completely surrendered in worship. It was beautiful!
Just thinking of what 2009 was, who I became, and how at every turn I was reinforced by a loving savior. All of a sudden the lyrics to the song sounded as if the Savior Himself was whispering them to me, "...and I am always, always, Always yours..." The most comforting words in a world that moves too quickly to grasp anything for long.
I adore Him.
Awesome! Going to get from iTunes right now! ;) May 2010 be a year to love Christ even more than before! Love ya!