Imagine the world's brightest and most brilliant minds. Now, sift through them for 8 years. What do you call the minds that remain? Doctors. Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you, my cousin, and a wonderful example of a true Jesus Girl, Doctor Liliana Adaku Kanu.
In addition to being ridiculously intelligent this young woman has the nerve to be amazingly generous, incredibly humble, and she possess one of the most beautifully pure hearts for Christ that I have ever encountered. Ok, I really love adjectives, but not as much as I love this lady.
Honestly my weekend in Madison, Wisconsin was awesome. I met new family members, had some AWESOME ice cream, and went shopping with my little cousins, and it was all increased by Lilian's selfless nature. There we all were to celebrate her huge accomplishment, and this disciple was serving us! Literally, she was the last one to sit down at every meal and would not let us pay for anything. She was celebrating us, and I was completely floored. She taught me a very valuable lesson about being a woman of faith this weekend, and throughout our entire relationship. So thanks Lilian, I love you.
Ina, you have no idea of how much of a shining light you are to this world. May God continue to Bless you.