Very entertaining, but missed a few steps.
It has some great stuff, witty repartee, a distractingly attractive leading man, a beautiful and lovable leading lady, a quirky drunken mother, and an intimidating over protective father; but I found that the film seems to take you on an exciting ride only to drop you off at a sappy dead end ending. I couldn't help feeling a little cheated, the build up was so great that it made the drop off even more difficult.
The script seemed to have holes where important character development should have been; and the assassin dialogue seemed a little too standard and oversimplified. However, for all of its flaws this movie has two redeemable elements that will make you consider watching the film again and again. Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl have a playfully charming chemistry that is thoroughly entertaining to watch. I spent at least a fourth of the movie thinking, "Boy he grew up good.", a fourth shaking my head at corny dialogue and plot turns, and the last half patiently watching every twist and turn, silently rooting for the likable Ms. Heigl.
All in all the movie is a good choice if you are looking for a light-hearted comedy. It isn't family friendly, but its a great choice for date night.
Hope this helps with your movie-going.