Tuesday, November 3, 2015


The thing is, I love Him. Even if I don't always know what that means or can't always anticipate what that will cost. I love Him. In a way that I couldn't possibly love anyone or anything else. And it requires so much more than I could have ever imagined, but oh my it gives! This love, God's love, it gives to the point of overflow.

You can't contain or deny it. It embraces you and wont't let go. It pours out of your eyes and smile and mouth and heart until you don't care what you look like anymore. It wraps you up and holds you close. It pushes you out of the nest then swoops in to catch you just before you fall flat on your face. This love, it lives and breathes. Breathes life and salvation and redemption and freedom.

I would never lie to you, it costs. It costs you everything, but in return for what you give you gain eternity. An eternity like this, loved.