Do we miss it? Our treasure is often laid in such humble packaging; do we miss it because we are looking for something bigger? Something shinny and bright when often times what saves, what redeems, what heals is small, seemingly insignificant, maybe homeless or broken. It is something the world has forgotten.
Every time I hear Brandon Heath’s Just a Girl tears fill the backs of my eyes and flow with such freedom because I can’t help but think, how many times did I encounter it this year and not notice? Christ’s mercy as a hug from a stranger, His grace as a smile from my little cousins, His love as a trial that made me stronger. It seems so little at the time you’re tempted to pass it by, but there’s a pull somewhere deep in your stomach that says “I know this is something more. I don’t know how, but I know.” That’s what I want this Christmas, the ability to see these moments, these people for what they really are. In real time, right when it’s happening to show the gratitude, joy and delight due to God for them. I want worship, everyday. To be in communion with Him, celebrating all the little, humble, small, seemingly insignificant ways He reveals Himself to us each day. To witness the girl, the babe, the King and give glory to God because finally, I recognize them.