Thursday, December 22, 2011

Letting Go

Francesca Battistelli is singing my heart this morning with her song I'm Letting Go.

Just in time for the new year the "new thing" has sprung up. The catch? You have to leap to get to it. This year I've had my fair share of large puddles to jeté over, and maybe even a lake here or there, but now... from the highest point of the tallest waterfall the Spirit is whispering, "leap and I'll catch you." And, I am not scared.

The butterflies are definitely swarming; I'm excited, curious, maybe a little nervous about my diving technique (as I have none), but ready. Or maybe more like, open. Open to the leap, and to where I'll land after.

Perhaps you're on a similar ledge. Maybe you're reading this and thinking, "That's what God has been trying to tell me!" I encourage you to trust Him. To surrender, out loud to His will for you. Take the leap, we'll take it together. I am certain that He will catch us, and when He does we can be certain that we are in the arms of the One who loves us better than anyone else above, beneath, or inside of this world.

Here's to acrobatics!


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