Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Jonathan and David Phenomenon

I pride myself on being myself regardless of whether or not my quirky nature is excepted. I truly believe that saying "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." With that said, I must admit that I never truly feel more like myself then I do when I am with my best friend. She and I have known each other for 20 years.
We have gone almost a year without talking for several of those 20, not out of spite or bitterness, our lives simply take us down separate paths sometimes; but no matter where we are in our lives or how we have changed when we get together we are in sync. Spoken or unspoken, she hears me. We understand each other, and speak each other's spastic and whimsical language. We're amazed by it, and immeasurably grateful for it. In a way, people like this sort of anchor your life. They poke and prod until those secrets, that have been holding you hostage, come out. They knew you when you were creating the first draft of your dreams, they know every adorable and ugly part of who you really are. I don't know about you, but for me this becomes more and more valuable with every year.
I just wanted to shine a little light on an everyday miracle that I think we take for granted. Friendship is a beautiful opportunity to give and experience love in its purest form. I encourage you to make sure that the people who enrich your life know just how much they add to your life, by being in it.
Quote for the day:
"the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul." 1Samuel 18:1

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