It starts right here. Right where I am. If I'm constantly waiting for the perfect conditions I'll be waiting FOREVER. It's a message that we've all heard a million times, but how often do we apply it? Especially in our relationships with Christ. It seems that at every level we find a way to excuse a stall. "God I'm too dirty to save. How could you ever love me?" "God I know that you want all of my life, but do I have to hand this part over? Because I really enjoy it." "God I know that you called me to serve, but I don't feel 'righteous' enough to tell people how to get to know you."
I promise I am not mocking the phrases. I have uttered them a few times myself, and the trouble is that they aren't even lies. They may all be true but there is a bigger truth. It may change your life so make sure that you are ready to read it. Here it doesn't matter.
He knows you, he's known you, before you came to him, before you knew him, before you were even born. He knew every mistake you would make, every lie you would tell and who you would tell them to and he sent his son to die for you anyway. He loves you and that's it. Period. There is nothing you can do to change it so you might as well get used to it. And all he wants in return is for you to trust him with your life, your whole life. I will go on record as saying that he is the most trustworthy friend that you will ever have. And he's patient, so you don't even have to do everything at once, but if you take the first step he will meet you.
Remember, "you don't have to be a seminary graduate to pray and read the Bible, or a prophet to hear from God, or a specialist to minister to hurting people. To do great things for God, be faithful in the little ones." - from The Word for you Today Daily Devotional
Live blessed,
Monday, October 4, 2010
Something New
It's peeping through your window like the first ray of dawn. Like rain on a warm day you can smell its approach. It is almost close enough for you to touch. On your side; breathless anticipation. On the other; a still small voice whispers "see I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do not you perceive it?" You smile back in confirmation, you know its almost here. Each moment prepares you more and more for its arrival. You don't have to see it yet, you sense it. And the strength of each of your senses enhances your faith. No one else perceives it. They all think that your aim is too high, but you know better. You close your eyes, open your heart and hands, and receive...
Friday, September 17, 2010
To: The Follower's of Jesus Girl, With Love
I can't tell you how inspiring it is to come to the site and see more and more people following the blog, or to do a show and have friends come up to me after and tell me how much this blog is blessing their lives. It makes me feel humbled. Here's why...
When I first came up with the idea for Jesus Girl, it seemed so immense. It was one of those dreams like wanting to put on a concert at Carnegie Hall. Yeah it sounds great, but is anybody gonna show up? And you did. You are, and I need you to know how much your support means. Sometimes we do a small thing forget all about it, and then realize later that it was the one stone that completed the whole house. Each of you is a stone in the house that is Jesus Girl, and I am so grateful to each of you for believing in my vision with me.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
When I first came up with the idea for Jesus Girl, it seemed so immense. It was one of those dreams like wanting to put on a concert at Carnegie Hall. Yeah it sounds great, but is anybody gonna show up? And you did. You are, and I need you to know how much your support means. Sometimes we do a small thing forget all about it, and then realize later that it was the one stone that completed the whole house. Each of you is a stone in the house that is Jesus Girl, and I am so grateful to each of you for believing in my vision with me.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Waiting for Superman
I just saw "Waiting for Superman" tonight. A documentary directed by Davis Guggenheim. AMAZING! Every teacher, parent, principal, student, and concerned citizen needs to see this film. I saw so much of my own experience with public schools revealed, and watched as the myths about education in suburbia and inner city schools were challenged. I left inspired and ready to make a change, no matter how small. The film forces you to look at the future of this country if we continue to rob our children of what they deserve, simply because it makes us as taxpayers, teachers, and adults feel comfortable.
The movie opens in Atlanta on October 8th and I will not only be attending, I plan to bring as many people with me as I can. I encourage you to do the same. Visit the link below and find out when it opens in your area. Please support this film, because even if you don't agree with everything that is said, it is the beginning of a conversation that we must have: why doesn't our system work, and how do we make it work?
Take a moment to visit the link and watch the trailer.
See you at the theater...
The movie opens in Atlanta on October 8th and I will not only be attending, I plan to bring as many people with me as I can. I encourage you to do the same. Visit the link below and find out when it opens in your area. Please support this film, because even if you don't agree with everything that is said, it is the beginning of a conversation that we must have: why doesn't our system work, and how do we make it work?
Take a moment to visit the link and watch the trailer.
See you at the theater...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Mark the Moment
Mark my words and remember the moment. That felt like what my teacher and friend Dawn Axam was saying to me tonight. She had just seen me perform for the first time in several months, and she wanted to make sure that I understood the significance of my growth. First off, I would like to encourage everyone reading this to keep good honest friends in your life for as long as you can. They will help keep you on track, and warn you when you are getting off track. They are the best kind of friend and the most essential part of a life of greatness. At any rate, our conversation felt like such an important moment, that I knew I wanted to remember the weight and scent of it, so I am writing this...reminder.
I think we forget to do that. We have friends and family around us insisting that "it's not that deep." But what if it is? What if we miss key moments in our lives all the time because we allow them to breeze past us without ever giving them any real thought.
With that said, I intend to embrace my inner Abraham and believe God's promise, by way of Ms. Axam's prophecy, and I am treating this entry as a milestone to the moment when I received God's greatness for my life. PLEASE feel free to use it as yours, and mark the moment.
I think we forget to do that. We have friends and family around us insisting that "it's not that deep." But what if it is? What if we miss key moments in our lives all the time because we allow them to breeze past us without ever giving them any real thought.
With that said, I intend to embrace my inner Abraham and believe God's promise, by way of Ms. Axam's prophecy, and I am treating this entry as a milestone to the moment when I received God's greatness for my life. PLEASE feel free to use it as yours, and mark the moment.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Trip Lee "Invasion"
So, this link was just emailed to me. I opened it unassumingly, and instantly became a Trip Lee fan. Not just because the music is good, but because it has a good and divine purpose.
I believe that when we find people or organizations that are representing the name of Christ with eloquence and professionalism it is imperative that we support and uplift them so that the standard for greatness will continually be raised. We want to be iron sharpening iron. With that said, this video, "Invasion" is my favorite kind of entertainment, the kind that is fun enough to catch the ear and eye, and poignant enough to catch the heart. I LIKE! Hope you do to. Watch, vote, share.
I believe that when we find people or organizations that are representing the name of Christ with eloquence and professionalism it is imperative that we support and uplift them so that the standard for greatness will continually be raised. We want to be iron sharpening iron. With that said, this video, "Invasion" is my favorite kind of entertainment, the kind that is fun enough to catch the ear and eye, and poignant enough to catch the heart. I LIKE! Hope you do to. Watch, vote, share.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Remembering 6
I had forgotten. How to hope, or how to hope in a God so big that nothing is impossible. I forgot to be six. I was so busy growing up that I forgot the most essential part of growing up is to not grow bitter. But I just caught a glimpse, of what it was like to sit in one place and loose track of the time, and even forget where I am because I was dreaming so hard. I missed that, and I think I realize that all it takes to go back there is surrender. Ah, surrender, every American adults favorite word.
Let's face it everything in our adult life is about control. That's all planning really is, an attempt at control, and I'm not saying that I think that its a bad thing. I know that it is important to plan, but there has to be balance. Not knowing doesn't have to be as scary as we make it. It's kind of the best part, especially if you assume that every change, every detour, every setback is ultimately a good thing. That they are all arrows pointing you to something greater.
So I've decided to embrace my inner six year old again and allow myself to embrace an impossible vision. One that God will get all the glory from because people will see it and know that there is no way that it could have happened without Him.
Let's face it everything in our adult life is about control. That's all planning really is, an attempt at control, and I'm not saying that I think that its a bad thing. I know that it is important to plan, but there has to be balance. Not knowing doesn't have to be as scary as we make it. It's kind of the best part, especially if you assume that every change, every detour, every setback is ultimately a good thing. That they are all arrows pointing you to something greater.
So I've decided to embrace my inner six year old again and allow myself to embrace an impossible vision. One that God will get all the glory from because people will see it and know that there is no way that it could have happened without Him.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Karate Kid
I know, I'm late. But I just saw the movie last week and it was great! What I saw while I was watching, (besides some excellent training and beautiful moments), was a lesson about teaching. Good teachers teach their students not only the subject, but how to learn. Unwise teachers however simply teach their students how to emulate, creating drones instead of students. Like the villain of the movie who attempts to teach his students how to cause fear in one's opponent, but if we have learned anything from movies about the underdog who rises to the top it is that a lesson of respect will always trump a lesson of fear. ALWAYS!
The other thing that I have learned about good teachers is, they usually learn as much from their students as they teach. I believe it has something to do with a method of openness. A good teacher is a lover of education, whether giving or receiving, they understand that knowledge is both powerful and sacred and they honor that.
I salute all of the wonderful teachers past, present, and future. This world's greatest achievements are yours first, for you shaped the minds that brought them forth. We are grateful and I pray that God blesses us with many more like you.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Love is Waiting

Brooke Fraser's album Albertine is on repeat in my car and on my computer right now. In addition to being a tremendous musical talent (seriously its so awesome you'll weep tears of joy), she also happens to be a fellow lover of Christ. The album is a wonderful mix of praise, worship, and reflection. She's the perfect soundtrack to my current journey.
There is one song in particular that seems to echo several conversations that I have had recently with some fellow Jesus girls and boys. The song is called "Love is Waiting," and it is a gorgeous song that answers the hearts of those who are waiting for true love.
In a world where there is so much going on to distract you from faith and commitment, the question seems to be not only is he/she out there, but also if they are, could they find me in the midst of all this confusion? "Love is Waiting" is an angelic reminder that God knows exactly what He is doing. He is ever present and orchestrating the "best possible results for the most people, for the longest time,"(from "God as He Longs for You to See Him" by Chip Ingram). It's important to remember that every area of our lives is meant to bring Him glory, including who/how we love, so it has to be in His time, and done His way.
"...give it time, give it space and be still for a spell. When it's time to walk that way we wanna walk it well..."
So thank you Brooke for the psalm of patience! I hope you all enjoy.
Happy Listening,
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I have a problem. I am a fixer. It has less to do with a desire to help and more to do with a misguided sense of responsibility. There is no real sense of proportion that comes with this condition, just an unrealistic idea that it is my responsibility to fix it, whatever it may be. I seldom ask for help, usually because I feel that I am a bother to others, and sometimes for fear that I will only be disappointed.
The real trouble comes when I finally discover that I can't fix it; then I shut down. I begin to ignore the warning signs that I am doing more harm than good to those around me. Instead of simply asking what others need of me, I assume that my inability to fix everything is a failure, and I allow the weight of that failure to eclipse my perception of others and the situation. It is a sickness really. A lie that my mind has somehow learned to believe.
I do believe that I have, to some degree, known this about myself for quite some time, but the reaction of any fixer to any problem is to try and fix it yourself. That, obviously is not only incredibly frustrating, but entirely impossible. The whole reason that this world needed a savior is because God knew that we are all ill-equip to save ourselves, or each other for that matter. No matter how much spiritual iron I pump my muscles could never reach that capacity. So, I am enlisting the help of saints like you, to help me entreat the most powerful source I know. Not only for myself, but for anyone who reads this list of symptoms and sees their own condition being revealed, let us pray together for the yoke to be broken.
Gracious Heavenly Father, we come before you humbly today, acknowledging that we need to be healed of the condition called fixer,and let it be replaced with the position You gave us as helpers. Lord Jesus, we know that we are hurting the very people you have called us to help by trying to take Your place as savior. Please help us to learn that helping is different than taking on a whole problem by ourselves, please teach us the difference, and show us how and who to ask for help. Deliver us from this false sense of responsibility. Teach us wisdom and balance. In Your son's precious name, Jesus, we pray,
The real trouble comes when I finally discover that I can't fix it; then I shut down. I begin to ignore the warning signs that I am doing more harm than good to those around me. Instead of simply asking what others need of me, I assume that my inability to fix everything is a failure, and I allow the weight of that failure to eclipse my perception of others and the situation. It is a sickness really. A lie that my mind has somehow learned to believe.
I do believe that I have, to some degree, known this about myself for quite some time, but the reaction of any fixer to any problem is to try and fix it yourself. That, obviously is not only incredibly frustrating, but entirely impossible. The whole reason that this world needed a savior is because God knew that we are all ill-equip to save ourselves, or each other for that matter. No matter how much spiritual iron I pump my muscles could never reach that capacity. So, I am enlisting the help of saints like you, to help me entreat the most powerful source I know. Not only for myself, but for anyone who reads this list of symptoms and sees their own condition being revealed, let us pray together for the yoke to be broken.
Gracious Heavenly Father, we come before you humbly today, acknowledging that we need to be healed of the condition called fixer,and let it be replaced with the position You gave us as helpers. Lord Jesus, we know that we are hurting the very people you have called us to help by trying to take Your place as savior. Please help us to learn that helping is different than taking on a whole problem by ourselves, please teach us the difference, and show us how and who to ask for help. Deliver us from this false sense of responsibility. Teach us wisdom and balance. In Your son's precious name, Jesus, we pray,
Monday, July 12, 2010
Afraid to Believe
2 Kings 4:8-37
I was reading the story of the wealthy woman who made a room in her house for Elisha. Out of gratitude he asked what he could do for her in return. Gracious host that she is, she insists that she needs nothing, but the persistent Elisha asks a servant "What can be done for her?" (v14), and the servant informs him that she has no son. So, Elisha calls her to him and tells her that the following year she will have a son. Her reaction: "No my Lord...don't mislead your servant..."
Poor woman of God! She has learned to embrace Phil 4:11 ("...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.") so well that she forgot how to hope. Even with the blessing staring her right in the face all she could think of was it being snatched away, indeed later it even seemed to be (v20) when her son died. But, what she and I forget is that we serve a God who restores. Dreams, hearts, families, careers, finances, and lives (see v 35); trust that if He blessed you with it He will surely care, tend and restore it.
So the next time the man/woman of God stares into your eyes and speaks hope into your life receive it with every ounce of courage you have, and know that if He said it, its already done.
I was reading the story of the wealthy woman who made a room in her house for Elisha. Out of gratitude he asked what he could do for her in return. Gracious host that she is, she insists that she needs nothing, but the persistent Elisha asks a servant "What can be done for her?" (v14), and the servant informs him that she has no son. So, Elisha calls her to him and tells her that the following year she will have a son. Her reaction: "No my Lord...don't mislead your servant..."
Poor woman of God! She has learned to embrace Phil 4:11 ("...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.") so well that she forgot how to hope. Even with the blessing staring her right in the face all she could think of was it being snatched away, indeed later it even seemed to be (v20) when her son died. But, what she and I forget is that we serve a God who restores. Dreams, hearts, families, careers, finances, and lives (see v 35); trust that if He blessed you with it He will surely care, tend and restore it.
So the next time the man/woman of God stares into your eyes and speaks hope into your life receive it with every ounce of courage you have, and know that if He said it, its already done.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Birthday America!
I woke up this morning and one of the first things on my heart to pray about was this country, and the beautiful people who inhabit it. First,I must say that I am so grateful to each and every man and woman fighting the battles that we cannot in our armed forces. Whether army, military, navy or the countless other officers who protect us in ways that we can not see or understand. Thank you!
I know that we have a tendency as Americans to utilize our right of free speech frequently to complain about all the controversy that is America; but I have to say that of all the flaws that this country, like every country, has I am so immensely proud to be a citizen of this one. Of course we're not perfect. If all the work was done there would be no point of waking up tomorrow, but there is nothing in the Declaration of Independence about the promise of happiness, but rather the pursuit; which, if we're honest is the best part. The pursuit is what strengthens and prepares you for the eventual acceptance. There is no point in receiving a gift that you have no idea how to use.
America, at it's idealistic root, is about the freedom of each individual man and woman to better the world in their own way, it is about having the right to create positive change. Are you using your right?
I know that there are a million things that still need work in this country, and the world at large, but let's take today to celebrate all of the past victories, reflect on the present ones, and plan for those of the future.
There is so much to be grateful for, pick a few and shoot some fireworks for them.
I know that we have a tendency as Americans to utilize our right of free speech frequently to complain about all the controversy that is America; but I have to say that of all the flaws that this country, like every country, has I am so immensely proud to be a citizen of this one. Of course we're not perfect. If all the work was done there would be no point of waking up tomorrow, but there is nothing in the Declaration of Independence about the promise of happiness, but rather the pursuit; which, if we're honest is the best part. The pursuit is what strengthens and prepares you for the eventual acceptance. There is no point in receiving a gift that you have no idea how to use.
America, at it's idealistic root, is about the freedom of each individual man and woman to better the world in their own way, it is about having the right to create positive change. Are you using your right?
I know that there are a million things that still need work in this country, and the world at large, but let's take today to celebrate all of the past victories, reflect on the present ones, and plan for those of the future.
There is so much to be grateful for, pick a few and shoot some fireworks for them.
Friday, July 2, 2010
A Christian, Out Loud
It's kind of like praying silently, it isn't an invalid prayer God still hears and honors a silent prayer, but there is something so powerful about a word, or a life, spoken out loud. A Christian life out loud declares love through faith in three ways; one, love for Christ to Christ; two, love for Christ to the world; and three, love for Christ to your fear.
Love for Christ to Christ. It is the difference between whispering I love you and yelling it. Now, there is a time and place for both. A whispered declaration of adoration can be extremely potent, and I believe that that is what our worship and personal relationship and devotion to Jesus is for. But imagine whispering I love you in a crowded mall or at a carnival. There is so much going on that your sentiments simply become apart of the noise. So it is with our lives. I believe that the hustle and bustle of our own lives sometimes drowns out our quiet murmurs of affection. If we want God to be confident in our love for Him, sometimes it requires a bigger gesture than what we are used to. It is not about earning His love, we could never earn it, and why try when He assured us that we already have it anyway. It is simply about showing Him how much we love Him.
Love for Christ to the world. I cannot count the number of times I have heard someone say that their main reservation about religion is the people who participate. If there is seemingly no difference between Christians and the rest of the world morally or otherwise, then there is absolutely no reason for someone to believe that they should become a Christian.
If we are God's hands and feet, then what are we doing to help and heal the world? How are we benefiting the souls that we are trying to save? It is not just a school of thought that we want to share with others, it is a lifestyle. Are you modeling it?
Love for Christ to our fears. I agree with my mentor Ricky Temple who said that satan doesn't have to do much. Most of the time he just plants the seed and lets us do the rest. To that end I think that fear is our second worst enemy. Fear of being alone, or unwanted, of doing to much, or not enough. The list goes on and on until one day you realize you have talked yourself out of every great opportunity, simply because you were afraid.
But, a love out loud to Christ makes me think of when I was younger. There was a really dark and cold hallway downstairs in our house. Our family room (aka my playroom) was on the other side. It was one of my favorite rooms in the house, but of course in order to get to it I had to walk through this terrifying hallway. The light switch was on the other end near the playroom, so I had to walk through the darkness to get to both. I have always had an active imagination, so my mind was full of invisible creatures and spirits that might be lurking and waiting to attack. One day, I decided to try something to silence them, I stood at the edge of the hallway and spoke out loud to the darkness. It may sound silly, but it really helped, and the fact that it made me feel better gave me even more confidence. Now don't get me wrong I still walked pretty briskly down the hallway, but I wasn't paralyzed by my fear. That is what faith out loud does, it empowers you to walk through the darkest places knowing that you will never walk alone. God was with me in my hallway, and He will be with you in yours.
Love for Christ to Christ. It is the difference between whispering I love you and yelling it. Now, there is a time and place for both. A whispered declaration of adoration can be extremely potent, and I believe that that is what our worship and personal relationship and devotion to Jesus is for. But imagine whispering I love you in a crowded mall or at a carnival. There is so much going on that your sentiments simply become apart of the noise. So it is with our lives. I believe that the hustle and bustle of our own lives sometimes drowns out our quiet murmurs of affection. If we want God to be confident in our love for Him, sometimes it requires a bigger gesture than what we are used to. It is not about earning His love, we could never earn it, and why try when He assured us that we already have it anyway. It is simply about showing Him how much we love Him.
Love for Christ to the world. I cannot count the number of times I have heard someone say that their main reservation about religion is the people who participate. If there is seemingly no difference between Christians and the rest of the world morally or otherwise, then there is absolutely no reason for someone to believe that they should become a Christian.
If we are God's hands and feet, then what are we doing to help and heal the world? How are we benefiting the souls that we are trying to save? It is not just a school of thought that we want to share with others, it is a lifestyle. Are you modeling it?
Love for Christ to our fears. I agree with my mentor Ricky Temple who said that satan doesn't have to do much. Most of the time he just plants the seed and lets us do the rest. To that end I think that fear is our second worst enemy. Fear of being alone, or unwanted, of doing to much, or not enough. The list goes on and on until one day you realize you have talked yourself out of every great opportunity, simply because you were afraid.
But, a love out loud to Christ makes me think of when I was younger. There was a really dark and cold hallway downstairs in our house. Our family room (aka my playroom) was on the other side. It was one of my favorite rooms in the house, but of course in order to get to it I had to walk through this terrifying hallway. The light switch was on the other end near the playroom, so I had to walk through the darkness to get to both. I have always had an active imagination, so my mind was full of invisible creatures and spirits that might be lurking and waiting to attack. One day, I decided to try something to silence them, I stood at the edge of the hallway and spoke out loud to the darkness. It may sound silly, but it really helped, and the fact that it made me feel better gave me even more confidence. Now don't get me wrong I still walked pretty briskly down the hallway, but I wasn't paralyzed by my fear. That is what faith out loud does, it empowers you to walk through the darkest places knowing that you will never walk alone. God was with me in my hallway, and He will be with you in yours.
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Very entertaining, but missed a few steps.
It has some great stuff, witty repartee, a distractingly attractive leading man, a beautiful and lovable leading lady, a quirky drunken mother, and an intimidating over protective father; but I found that the film seems to take you on an exciting ride only to drop you off at a sappy dead end ending. I couldn't help feeling a little cheated, the build up was so great that it made the drop off even more difficult.
The script seemed to have holes where important character development should have been; and the assassin dialogue seemed a little too standard and oversimplified. However, for all of its flaws this movie has two redeemable elements that will make you consider watching the film again and again. Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl have a playfully charming chemistry that is thoroughly entertaining to watch. I spent at least a fourth of the movie thinking, "Boy he grew up good.", a fourth shaking my head at corny dialogue and plot turns, and the last half patiently watching every twist and turn, silently rooting for the likable Ms. Heigl.
All in all the movie is a good choice if you are looking for a light-hearted comedy. It isn't family friendly, but its a great choice for date night.
Hope this helps with your movie-going.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The 25th Year

So, I am now 25 years old. I know its supposed to be taboo for women to talk about their age, but I as I have said before I don't get old, I get better. So those numbers getting higher each year will not be allowed to scare me.
I have always had the blessing of having friends who are older than me. So I usually get a sneak peek at what each year will hold. Now, of course this only works a little because experiences are different for each person, but from age 18 I have always heard one thing about year 25. The unanimous word on the street is that 25 is DIF-FI-CULT! There is reference to it in songs (see John Mayer's famous line "might be a quarter life crisis."), and countless conversations with my 30+ friends.
One thing that I have noticed is that it is never really described as bad, just difficult and I have a theory on why. Now I may get in trouble for this with my fellow 20-somethings, but I think in our early twenties we are just sort of finishing up our adolescence. Still exploring/experimenting with our new freedom. But something about 25, something about being halfway to 30 makes us realize that now is when we truly must decide who we want to be and what kind of life we want to lead, because if old habits die hard, and time is short, then we have little time to break all the bad ones and create good ones. Now is when I effect and witness the greatest changes in myself. And honestly, I am really excited about that. Do I think that it will all feel like butterflies and lightening bugs? No. But am I willing to push forward to experience the BEST possible me? Absolutely. I have to be. There is too much to do to be afraid.
So if you are 25 and up and remember what the shift in your life felt like, and pray for me. Stand with me and pray that I become all that God has created me to be, and if you are under 25 and reading this, I didn't mean to scare you. I just want you to know that you are bigger than the mountains you will face, it may look insurmountable, but trust me, if the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and David dwells in you, then there is no way to measure the greatness that is working in you. Pray for me and I will pray for you.
Here is to an AMAZING 25th year!
Monday, May 17, 2010
A True Jesus Girl

Imagine the world's brightest and most brilliant minds. Now, sift through them for 8 years. What do you call the minds that remain? Doctors. Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you, my cousin, and a wonderful example of a true Jesus Girl, Doctor Liliana Adaku Kanu.
In addition to being ridiculously intelligent this young woman has the nerve to be amazingly generous, incredibly humble, and she possess one of the most beautifully pure hearts for Christ that I have ever encountered. Ok, I really love adjectives, but not as much as I love this lady.
Honestly my weekend in Madison, Wisconsin was awesome. I met new family members, had some AWESOME ice cream, and went shopping with my little cousins, and it was all increased by Lilian's selfless nature. There we all were to celebrate her huge accomplishment, and this disciple was serving us! Literally, she was the last one to sit down at every meal and would not let us pay for anything. She was celebrating us, and I was completely floored. She taught me a very valuable lesson about being a woman of faith this weekend, and throughout our entire relationship. So thanks Lilian, I love you.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day Thanks

There are women who can love a child with an unconquerable love, the nine months of a miraculous bond are not necessary. These women are supernatural heroes and agents of a truly loving God. There is one such woman that I would like to celebrate today. Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to introduce you to Ms. Geraldine Williams, my "Tia" and a Jesus Girl of the first order.
When I was seventeen years old my mother passed away from lymphoma, and though, (or perhaps because) my mother, my aunt, my little cousin and I had lived together all of my life; the dynamic of our family changed significantly. But what didn't change was my Aunt's steadfast love for us, and her constant consideration for our well-being. She was my "other mother" and she taught me everything from how to invest my money to how to cook my greens. And despite the overwhelming pain after having lost not only a sister and friend, but a soul mate and roommate for most of her life; she cared for, paid for and watched over two teenage girls and got them both off to college. She is miraculously beautiful and marvelously wise, and I absolutely adore her.
In addition to everything else, I have watched her exceed the heights of her love as she raises her granddaughter with patience and a God-filled heart. I am immensely grateful to have her in my life and I pray that God will bless her with ALL of her heart's desires. She has taught me a very valuable lesson about love and motherhood; perhaps it is the heart of a woman, not the experience of giving birth, that makes her a mother.
Happy Mother's Day Tia!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The S Word
So, in celebration of the wonderful dance show "Wha Cha Don't Wanna Tap Into?" that was performed on May 1st (and will possibly be performed again in August, wink wink) I decided to challenge myself by asking; what don't I want to tap into?
That's easy, sex, whether we talk about it or not it is always there; the white elephant in the room, if you will. And it’s a BIG deal; anyone who tells you different is lying, either to you or to themselves.
I was super hesitant about writing this blog, but everywhere I turned this week the subject kept coming up. So many scenarios that made it super clear that the s word is definitely causing friction.
But I think that the problem isn't the word or the act, rather the misuse of both. Sex should be neither a scratching post nor an idealistic fairytale. Both exaggerating and oversimplifying it is dangerous. So, I want to learn to accept it as a gift from a loving God to a husband and wife, respect it as a powerful gift (that like everything can be used for good or bad), and embrace it as a wonderful expression of fidelity and affection. I think that is very important for us to be honest about sex being more than just sexy. I have found from observation that the second we forget that, is usually followed by the second we make the biggest mistakes.
Just think s, for sacred.
That's easy, sex, whether we talk about it or not it is always there; the white elephant in the room, if you will. And it’s a BIG deal; anyone who tells you different is lying, either to you or to themselves.
I was super hesitant about writing this blog, but everywhere I turned this week the subject kept coming up. So many scenarios that made it super clear that the s word is definitely causing friction.
But I think that the problem isn't the word or the act, rather the misuse of both. Sex should be neither a scratching post nor an idealistic fairytale. Both exaggerating and oversimplifying it is dangerous. So, I want to learn to accept it as a gift from a loving God to a husband and wife, respect it as a powerful gift (that like everything can be used for good or bad), and embrace it as a wonderful expression of fidelity and affection. I think that is very important for us to be honest about sex being more than just sexy. I have found from observation that the second we forget that, is usually followed by the second we make the biggest mistakes.
Just think s, for sacred.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The Extra Mile
I will do more than belong - I will participate.
I will do more than care- I will help.
I will do more than believe- I will practice.
I will do more than be fair- I will be kind.
I will do more than forgive- I will forget.
I will do more than dream- I will work.
I will do more than teach- I will inspire.
I will do more than earn- I will enrich.
I will do more than give- I will serve.
I will do more than live- I will grow.
I will do more than suffer- I will triumph.
- Williams Arthur Ward
From Putting Your Dreams to the Test by John C. Maxwell
I will do more than care- I will help.
I will do more than believe- I will practice.
I will do more than be fair- I will be kind.
I will do more than forgive- I will forget.
I will do more than dream- I will work.
I will do more than teach- I will inspire.
I will do more than earn- I will enrich.
I will do more than give- I will serve.
I will do more than live- I will grow.
I will do more than suffer- I will triumph.
- Williams Arthur Ward
From Putting Your Dreams to the Test by John C. Maxwell
Sunday, April 18, 2010
So Awesome I Had to Share
As a writer I marvel at the ability to draw power from a word. Max Lucado has done just that, and then some with this amazing devotional. It is so awesome that... well you get the point. Enjoy!
by Max Lucado
ROAD. DARK. STARS. SHADOWS. FOUR. SANDALS. Robes. Quiet. Suspense. Grove. Trees. Alone. Questions. Anguish. "Father!" Sweat. God. Man. God-Man. Prostrate. Blood. "NO!" "Yes." Angels. Comfort.
Footsteps. Torches. Voices. Romans. Surprise. Swords. Kiss. Confusion. Betrayal. Fearful. Run! Bound. Wrists. Marching.
Courtyard. Priests. Lamps. Sanhedrin. Caiaphas. Sneer. Silk. Arrogance. Beard. Plotting. Barefoot. Rope. Calm. Shove. Kick. Annas. Indignant. Messiah? Trial. Nazarene. Confident. Question. Answer. Punch!
Peter. "Me?" Rooster. Thrice. Guilt.
Proceedings. Court. Rejection. Prosecute. Weary. Pale. Witnesses. Liars. Inconsistent. Silence. Stares. "Blasphemer!" Anger. Waiting. Bruised. Dirty. Fatigued. Guards. Spit. Blindfold. Mocking. Blows. Fire. Twilight.
Sunrise. Golden. Jerusalem. Temple. Passover. Lambs. Lamb. Worshipers. Priests. Messiah. Hearing. Fraud. Prisoner. Waiting. Standing. Shifting. Strategy. "Pilate!" Trap. Murmurs. Exit.
Stirring. Parade. Crowd. Swell. Romans. Pilate. Toga. Annoyed. Nervous. Officers. Tunics. Spears. Silence. "Charge?" "Blasphemy." Indifference. Ignore. (Wife. Dream.) Worry. Interview. Lips. Pain. Determined. "King?" "Heaven." "Truth." "Truth?" Sarcasm. (Fear.) "Innocent!" Roar. Voices. "Galilean!" "Galilee?" "Herod!"
9:00 A.M. Marchers. Palace. Herod. Fox. Schemer. Paunchy. Crown. Cape. Scepter. Hall. Elegance. Silence. Manipulate. Useless. Vexed. Revile. Taunt. "King?" Robe. Theatrical. Cynical. Hateful. "Pilate!"
Marching. Uproar. Prisoner. Hushed. Pilate. "Innocent!" Bedlam. "Barabbas!" Riot. Despair. Christ. Bare. Rings. Wall. Back. Whip. Slash. Scourge. Tear. Bone. Moan. Flesh. Rhythm. Silence. Whip! Silence. Whip! Silence. Whip! Thorns. Stinging. Blind. Laughter. Jeering. Scepter. Slap. Governor. Distraught. (Almost.) Eyes. Jesus. Decision. Power. Freedom? Threats. Looks. Yelling. Weak. Basin. Water. Swayed. Compromise. Blood. Guilt.
Soldiers. Thieves. Crosspiece. Shoulder. Heavy. Beam. Heavy. Sun. Stagger. Incline. Houses. Shops. Faces. Mourners. Murmurs. Pilgrims. Women. Tumble. Cobblestone. Exhaustion. Gasping. Simon. Pathetic. Golgotha.
Skull. Calvary. Crosses. Execution. Death. Noon. Tears. Observers. Wails. Wine. Nude. Bruised. Swollen. Crossbeam. Sign. Ground. Nails. Pound. Pound. Pound. Pierced. Contorted. Thirst. Terrible. Grace. Writhing. Raised. Mounted. Hung. Suspended. Spasms. Heaving. Sarcasm. Sponge. Tears. Taunts. Forgiveness. Dice. Gambling. Darkness.
Death. Life.
Pain. Peace.
Condemn. Promise.
Nowhere. Somewhere.
Him. Us.
"Father!" Robbers. Paradise. Wailing. Weeping. Stunned. "Mother." Compassion. Darkness. "My God!" Afraid. Scapegoat. Wilderness. Vinegar. "Father." Silence. Sigh. Death. Relief.
Earthquake. Cemetery. Tombs. Bodies. Mystery. Curtain. Spear. Blood. Water. Spices. Linen. Tomb. Fear. Waiting. Despair. Stone. Mary. Running. Maybe? Peter. John. Belief. Enlightenment. Truth. Mankind. Alive. Alive. Alive!
From No Wonder They Call Him the Savior
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 2005) Max Lucado
by Max Lucado
ROAD. DARK. STARS. SHADOWS. FOUR. SANDALS. Robes. Quiet. Suspense. Grove. Trees. Alone. Questions. Anguish. "Father!" Sweat. God. Man. God-Man. Prostrate. Blood. "NO!" "Yes." Angels. Comfort.
Footsteps. Torches. Voices. Romans. Surprise. Swords. Kiss. Confusion. Betrayal. Fearful. Run! Bound. Wrists. Marching.
Courtyard. Priests. Lamps. Sanhedrin. Caiaphas. Sneer. Silk. Arrogance. Beard. Plotting. Barefoot. Rope. Calm. Shove. Kick. Annas. Indignant. Messiah? Trial. Nazarene. Confident. Question. Answer. Punch!
Peter. "Me?" Rooster. Thrice. Guilt.
Proceedings. Court. Rejection. Prosecute. Weary. Pale. Witnesses. Liars. Inconsistent. Silence. Stares. "Blasphemer!" Anger. Waiting. Bruised. Dirty. Fatigued. Guards. Spit. Blindfold. Mocking. Blows. Fire. Twilight.
Sunrise. Golden. Jerusalem. Temple. Passover. Lambs. Lamb. Worshipers. Priests. Messiah. Hearing. Fraud. Prisoner. Waiting. Standing. Shifting. Strategy. "Pilate!" Trap. Murmurs. Exit.
Stirring. Parade. Crowd. Swell. Romans. Pilate. Toga. Annoyed. Nervous. Officers. Tunics. Spears. Silence. "Charge?" "Blasphemy." Indifference. Ignore. (Wife. Dream.) Worry. Interview. Lips. Pain. Determined. "King?" "Heaven." "Truth." "Truth?" Sarcasm. (Fear.) "Innocent!" Roar. Voices. "Galilean!" "Galilee?" "Herod!"
9:00 A.M. Marchers. Palace. Herod. Fox. Schemer. Paunchy. Crown. Cape. Scepter. Hall. Elegance. Silence. Manipulate. Useless. Vexed. Revile. Taunt. "King?" Robe. Theatrical. Cynical. Hateful. "Pilate!"
Marching. Uproar. Prisoner. Hushed. Pilate. "Innocent!" Bedlam. "Barabbas!" Riot. Despair. Christ. Bare. Rings. Wall. Back. Whip. Slash. Scourge. Tear. Bone. Moan. Flesh. Rhythm. Silence. Whip! Silence. Whip! Silence. Whip! Thorns. Stinging. Blind. Laughter. Jeering. Scepter. Slap. Governor. Distraught. (Almost.) Eyes. Jesus. Decision. Power. Freedom? Threats. Looks. Yelling. Weak. Basin. Water. Swayed. Compromise. Blood. Guilt.
Soldiers. Thieves. Crosspiece. Shoulder. Heavy. Beam. Heavy. Sun. Stagger. Incline. Houses. Shops. Faces. Mourners. Murmurs. Pilgrims. Women. Tumble. Cobblestone. Exhaustion. Gasping. Simon. Pathetic. Golgotha.
Skull. Calvary. Crosses. Execution. Death. Noon. Tears. Observers. Wails. Wine. Nude. Bruised. Swollen. Crossbeam. Sign. Ground. Nails. Pound. Pound. Pound. Pierced. Contorted. Thirst. Terrible. Grace. Writhing. Raised. Mounted. Hung. Suspended. Spasms. Heaving. Sarcasm. Sponge. Tears. Taunts. Forgiveness. Dice. Gambling. Darkness.
Death. Life.
Pain. Peace.
Condemn. Promise.
Nowhere. Somewhere.
Him. Us.
"Father!" Robbers. Paradise. Wailing. Weeping. Stunned. "Mother." Compassion. Darkness. "My God!" Afraid. Scapegoat. Wilderness. Vinegar. "Father." Silence. Sigh. Death. Relief.
Earthquake. Cemetery. Tombs. Bodies. Mystery. Curtain. Spear. Blood. Water. Spices. Linen. Tomb. Fear. Waiting. Despair. Stone. Mary. Running. Maybe? Peter. John. Belief. Enlightenment. Truth. Mankind. Alive. Alive. Alive!
From No Wonder They Call Him the Savior
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 2005) Max Lucado
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Judas Love
John 12:1-8
Jesus knew exactly who Judas was. He knew exactly what he would do, the role he would hold in His own perceived demise, and yet he loved him. Walked, talked, shared his secrets, time, and money with him. That is amazing love to me. To know someone's whole story, to see the not so happily ever after and still dote on them. Still allow them access to your most intimate circle of friends. What is even more amazing is that since Jesus said we would do even greater things than He has done (John 14:12-13), then how many people who cause strife in your own life should you be loving right now? Whew, talk about a hard act to follow!
A great resource to strengthen your love for family, friends and even enemies is Garry Chapman's The 5 Love Languages one of the most helpful reads I have ever undertaken. I hope this helps,
Love Well,
Jesus knew exactly who Judas was. He knew exactly what he would do, the role he would hold in His own perceived demise, and yet he loved him. Walked, talked, shared his secrets, time, and money with him. That is amazing love to me. To know someone's whole story, to see the not so happily ever after and still dote on them. Still allow them access to your most intimate circle of friends. What is even more amazing is that since Jesus said we would do even greater things than He has done (John 14:12-13), then how many people who cause strife in your own life should you be loving right now? Whew, talk about a hard act to follow!
A great resource to strengthen your love for family, friends and even enemies is Garry Chapman's The 5 Love Languages one of the most helpful reads I have ever undertaken. I hope this helps,
Love Well,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
My Easter Soundtrack
So here are a few songs that put me in the right mind to celebrate the reason for the season:
1. Jimmy Needham "Forgiven and Loved"
2. Switchfoot "Always"
3. Amy Grant "Better than a Hallelujah"
4. Kid Syc "Victory"
5. Mali Music "My Heart"
6. Sanctus Real "Forgiven"
7. Joann Rosario "Joyous Salvation"
Bonus Track
8. KeKe Sheard "Jesus"
Happy Resurrection Day and Happy Listening,
1. Jimmy Needham "Forgiven and Loved"

2. Switchfoot "Always"

3. Amy Grant "Better than a Hallelujah"

4. Kid Syc "Victory"

5. Mali Music "My Heart"

6. Sanctus Real "Forgiven"

7. Joann Rosario "Joyous Salvation"

Bonus Track
8. KeKe Sheard "Jesus"

Happy Resurrection Day and Happy Listening,
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Goal #3 for Lent
Choose what I want for my life instead of waiting/allowing it to choose me. Happiness, love, peace, joy, fun! Each one starts not with an event, but with a choice.
I did not realize the weight of what I was writing when I first wrote this goal. Happiness is not just about what you choose, but also what you choose to turn away from.
The greatest struggle of turning over a new leaf is how familiar that old side is. Choosing something new feels weird at first. Too weird, almost wrong sometimes, but that is only because it is something you have never felt before. It takes practice.
Whether with affirmations or a visual reminder, make sure that you understand that your habits are a string of choices that either lead you towards, or away from the things that you want most in life. So choose what you say yes and no to, wisely.
I did not realize the weight of what I was writing when I first wrote this goal. Happiness is not just about what you choose, but also what you choose to turn away from.
The greatest struggle of turning over a new leaf is how familiar that old side is. Choosing something new feels weird at first. Too weird, almost wrong sometimes, but that is only because it is something you have never felt before. It takes practice.
Whether with affirmations or a visual reminder, make sure that you understand that your habits are a string of choices that either lead you towards, or away from the things that you want most in life. So choose what you say yes and no to, wisely.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sorry I'm Late...
I just spent three of the most amazing days with the four incredible women in the picture above.
After three days of much needed rest, relaxation, girl talk and laughter I have learned three very important lessons. They're good so make sure that you are reading to remember. Ok, you ready? Here it is; one , show me someone who does not value vacation and I will show you a driven person who will never truly enjoy success. Rest for brilliant people only breeds more brilliance, but an exhausted mind, brilliant or not is a car with no gas. Make sure that you are sowing into your success by resting. Your dream won't be any fun if you're spent by the time you get there.
Two, good friends are a greater asset than real estate. So invest. The women in this picture have inspired, wowed, convicted, and educated me in ways that I didn't even know I needed. Thank you. Remember: good friendships add, they don't take away.
Three, if you want something call it to you. Create a welcome environment with positive thoughts, feelings, words, and actions and all that you truly desire can and will be yours. Its not a secret, God told us that in Hebrews 11, and a dozen other places in the bible. So warm up your inner voice and call all your dreams and loved ones to you, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Peaceful Rest,
Sunday, March 14, 2010
A Cure for Lack
The greatest cure for lack is giving. It is not the logical answer, but giving is the key that unlocks any closed door. It is a lesson that I've learned and relearned a million times before, but a nice refresher course seems in order.
In addition to being extremely helpful to the receiver, the saying “it’s a blessing to be a blessing,” is the most amazing truth. The actual act of giving heals and renews something inside the giver, especially when it is done in a spirit of humble gratitude.
Give of yourself, and it doesn’t have to be money. Give time, clothes, energy, your heart, these things are usually more valuable to the receiver anyway.
When it seems as if there is nothing at all to be thankful for. When the landscape around you only seems to be made up of loss and sadness, whisper thank you. And don’t stop saying it until you feel the gratitude well up inside you and overflow into the lives of everyone around you.
Remember: Anyone can be grateful when they have what they want. True faith is saying thank you when you don’t have much at all.
In addition to being extremely helpful to the receiver, the saying “it’s a blessing to be a blessing,” is the most amazing truth. The actual act of giving heals and renews something inside the giver, especially when it is done in a spirit of humble gratitude.
Give of yourself, and it doesn’t have to be money. Give time, clothes, energy, your heart, these things are usually more valuable to the receiver anyway.
When it seems as if there is nothing at all to be thankful for. When the landscape around you only seems to be made up of loss and sadness, whisper thank you. And don’t stop saying it until you feel the gratitude well up inside you and overflow into the lives of everyone around you.
Remember: Anyone can be grateful when they have what they want. True faith is saying thank you when you don’t have much at all.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Awesome Audio

So I just could not, in good conscience, keep this audible treasure to myself.If you know the name then you know the hardy, soul-filled feast that awaits you. If you haven't then please allow me to introduce... Kid Syc, and track champion, Alex Goose.
Since the album is so full of awesome wordplay I will leave the clever puns to the Kid, I just have two words. A-Mazing. Lol. Use the link to download the album.
Thank you Kid Syc, for really good music that challenges, enlightens, and inspires. Plus it sounds GREAT! We need more, so keep making hits!
Happy listening everyone,
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Reflection w/ a Side of Shameless Plug

So I just spent three amazing hours rehearsing with two of the most talented women I know. I laughed a lot, which is so healthy that I think I may have added at least a year to my life. I love catching up with old friends, especially when there is incredible music involved (shout out to Ingrid Sibley). If your ears are curious Ingrid , Ayesha Mahmoud, and I are going to tear it up at the Five Spot in Atlanta next Sunday, so if you want indulge in some audio delight, support a great cause, and give yourself a healthy dose of laughter, be there.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Games in the Key of Life
A friend and I came up with this game the other day. We started by naming something that we want, then we would list something that we need. The game became even more interesting when the item listed as a need was necessary to accomplish the want. For example: I want a platinum album but I need to finish my demo (true story). Not only was it incredibly entertaining, it was also extremely helpful. Sometimes we get ahead of ourselves. We want certain things without ever truly considering what having them will require. Dreaming big is healthy, I think its just as important as that apple a day. But just like an apple doesn't have all you need to survive, neither does a dream. So, you know what you want, what do you need?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Hoorah for Routine
So I am challenging myself to post something new every Sunday. So be on the look out for new music, movie, book and/or life lesson reviews every Sunday.
Love you guys,
Love you guys,
Just 1 Secret to Success
Each day is an opportunity to fight. The battles you failed yesterday can be won today. But if you are not careful, not aware, then the battles you won yesterday can be failed today.
What makes a life great or note-worthy is consistency. People who gain international attention and win countless awards are never those who had a few triumphs here and there. True recognition is reserved only for those who habitually strive for excellence. These are the people who are always searching for new ways to achieve or discover greatness.
Make sure your focus is straight ahead not on the successes or failures of yesterday. Take the lesson alone, without the emotional baggage, and use it to win today.
What makes a life great or note-worthy is consistency. People who gain international attention and win countless awards are never those who had a few triumphs here and there. True recognition is reserved only for those who habitually strive for excellence. These are the people who are always searching for new ways to achieve or discover greatness.
Make sure your focus is straight ahead not on the successes or failures of yesterday. Take the lesson alone, without the emotional baggage, and use it to win today.
Friday, February 5, 2010
A Theme Song for Service
Since my word for 2010 is service, then my theme song is definitely "Follow You" by Leeland and Brandon Heath.
Close your eyes, and listen to the words. Its a soundtrack for the kind of person I want to become. Every time I listen to it there is this strange mixture of conviction and hope. Conviction about not feeling the urgency sooner, and hope for what this new urgency will inevitably lead me to. Plus the song itself is just...awesome. I heart Brandon Heath, and Leeland, whom I just discovered, is now on my favorites list. Man I wish I had an ipod! This song would totally be on repeat.
Happy Listening
Close your eyes, and listen to the words. Its a soundtrack for the kind of person I want to become. Every time I listen to it there is this strange mixture of conviction and hope. Conviction about not feeling the urgency sooner, and hope for what this new urgency will inevitably lead me to. Plus the song itself is just...awesome. I heart Brandon Heath, and Leeland, whom I just discovered, is now on my favorites list. Man I wish I had an ipod! This song would totally be on repeat.
Happy Listening
Thursday, January 28, 2010
A Convicting Word
James 4:1-10 NIV. I really need this today:
"What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. Or do you think Scripture says without reason that the spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely? But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:
'God opposes the proud but give grace to the humble,'
Submit yourselves, then, to God. resist the devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."
"What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. Or do you think Scripture says without reason that the spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely? But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:
'God opposes the proud but give grace to the humble,'
Submit yourselves, then, to God. resist the devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."
Friday, January 22, 2010
"If It Doesn;t Break Your Heart It Isn't Love..."
Jon Foreman captured my experience perfectly in the lyrics of Switchfoot's "Yet."
Our hearts are tested and strengthened by the moments that seemingly break us. We are not our tragedies, but rather how we react to them. When you are standing in the breech between bitterness and love, will you choose love? Only those with true courage can. There is no drill, no amount of practice that can prepare you for the enormity of true heartbreak, but there is a love that can lessen it. A truly selfless adoration that not only shields but absorbs the pain, with the knowledge that each loss was not in vain. Every crack and fracture will help to create the masterpiece that we are to become.
If this message seems particularly familiar to anyone reading this, with a broken heart and swollen eyes tell those who need to hear it the most "You haven't lost me yet..."
Our hearts are tested and strengthened by the moments that seemingly break us. We are not our tragedies, but rather how we react to them. When you are standing in the breech between bitterness and love, will you choose love? Only those with true courage can. There is no drill, no amount of practice that can prepare you for the enormity of true heartbreak, but there is a love that can lessen it. A truly selfless adoration that not only shields but absorbs the pain, with the knowledge that each loss was not in vain. Every crack and fracture will help to create the masterpiece that we are to become.
If this message seems particularly familiar to anyone reading this, with a broken heart and swollen eyes tell those who need to hear it the most "You haven't lost me yet..."
A Challenge
The danger is desensitization. When we see or hear an image frequently enough, it looses its impact. It is natural, but not acceptable.
I know that every TV and radio station, every musician and actor is talking about the crisis in Haiti, and I'm joinging the ranks. I offer a challenge for each of us. In order to discourage desensitization I dare each person reading/writing this to continue to give until the crisis is over. Until the ruble is cleared and the city is being rebuilt.
Honestly, giving is the principle that is skipped the most in our culture. In Christianity we often discuss blessings and overcoming, dream following and a host of other things that benefit us. However, when it comes to giving, consistently that is the part of the conversation/sermon when we usually remember that we are late for an appointment, or we have to go to the bathroom, or can't listen because we just got a text.
I challenge us to be the hands and feet of Christ. You don't have to give money, and if you decide to, it doesn't have to be more than you can afford. Give right where you are, and God will meet you. Accept the challenge by responding to this blog in the comment section, and by spreading the word about the challenge. Feel free to post the link or forward this to friends and family. We have received a call to action, answer.
PS If you are overwhelmed by where/how to start try to see what different organizations need.
I know that every TV and radio station, every musician and actor is talking about the crisis in Haiti, and I'm joinging the ranks. I offer a challenge for each of us. In order to discourage desensitization I dare each person reading/writing this to continue to give until the crisis is over. Until the ruble is cleared and the city is being rebuilt.
Honestly, giving is the principle that is skipped the most in our culture. In Christianity we often discuss blessings and overcoming, dream following and a host of other things that benefit us. However, when it comes to giving, consistently that is the part of the conversation/sermon when we usually remember that we are late for an appointment, or we have to go to the bathroom, or can't listen because we just got a text.
I challenge us to be the hands and feet of Christ. You don't have to give money, and if you decide to, it doesn't have to be more than you can afford. Give right where you are, and God will meet you. Accept the challenge by responding to this blog in the comment section, and by spreading the word about the challenge. Feel free to post the link or forward this to friends and family. We have received a call to action, answer.
PS If you are overwhelmed by where/how to start try to see what different organizations need.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Lessons I Learned In New York
Some lessons I learned while seizing an opportunity that, like most, was quick and completely unexpected.
1) Expect to be surprised. It is the only certainty.
2) Go hard or go home is a great habit to create.
3) A journey with friends new or old always makes the journey better.
4) Promoting yourself is not vain in business, it's necessary.
5) After a point, failures are less about learning and more about what you didn't learn.
6) Change in scenery every few months is healthy, productive, and an asset for discovering and building dreams.
7) The more you take chances, the more you want to.
1) Expect to be surprised. It is the only certainty.
2) Go hard or go home is a great habit to create.
3) A journey with friends new or old always makes the journey better.
4) Promoting yourself is not vain in business, it's necessary.
5) After a point, failures are less about learning and more about what you didn't learn.
6) Change in scenery every few months is healthy, productive, and an asset for discovering and building dreams.
7) The more you take chances, the more you want to.
Friday, January 8, 2010
The word is a living word. Each time I read a scripture different words reach out to me, and that is usually how I know what God wants to share with me.
Yesterday I thought about Jeremiah 29:11-15. A pretty famous scripture for obvious reasons. We love the comfort of knowing that a sovereign God cares about our future, and holds it in the palm of His competent hand. However, the word that stood out to me yesterday made me see the scripture in a whole new light. It was the word "I."
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I like to plan ahead. I want to have all my bases covered, I want to have a crisis plan A, B, and C. It is not a bad way to be, but it is impossible to always have everything covered in this life. It's why we have a God who covers us.
What was whispered to me through this new found scriptural emphasis was, "Ina, I know, but you don't. Trust is essential, just let me lay the path and you walk it. Don't try to walk ahead of me, or anticipate my next move. You will fail every time, you should know by now, I'm full of surprises."
So for anyone, who like me wants to see the blueprint for every inch of your future, or you are driving yourself crazy because according to you, you "should be somewhere by now," take a deep breath and read the scripture. Remember the sentence starts "I know."
Yesterday I thought about Jeremiah 29:11-15. A pretty famous scripture for obvious reasons. We love the comfort of knowing that a sovereign God cares about our future, and holds it in the palm of His competent hand. However, the word that stood out to me yesterday made me see the scripture in a whole new light. It was the word "I."
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I like to plan ahead. I want to have all my bases covered, I want to have a crisis plan A, B, and C. It is not a bad way to be, but it is impossible to always have everything covered in this life. It's why we have a God who covers us.
What was whispered to me through this new found scriptural emphasis was, "Ina, I know, but you don't. Trust is essential, just let me lay the path and you walk it. Don't try to walk ahead of me, or anticipate my next move. You will fail every time, you should know by now, I'm full of surprises."
So for anyone, who like me wants to see the blueprint for every inch of your future, or you are driving yourself crazy because according to you, you "should be somewhere by now," take a deep breath and read the scripture. Remember the sentence starts "I know."
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Difficult Truth
Sometimes we simply do not understand how deep the root is. We accept that we have an issue, and even begin to identify what it is, but until we can truly see the degree of its affects on our lives there is no real hope of being delivered.
Right now I am reading Put Your Dreams To The Test by John Maxwell. I just started, but today one of the sections I read was on being “willing to bet on yourself.” The author used an example from Akeelah and the Bee when Akeelah reads her spelling coach's plaque with Nelson Mandela’s infamous speech inscribed on it. After she reads it her coach asks her what it means. She says "That I'm not supposed to be afraid...of me." I couldn't even finish the sentence. The word “me” looked my name, it felt so personal. Sometimes it takes reading a book or having a conversation to realize how deeply old wounds run.
It had never occurred to me that perhaps pursuing my dreams presents a challenge for me, not because I don’t have buy-in from others, but because I don’t have buy-in from me. If confidence is key then perhaps a few of my doors to success are still locked. So that is where I need to start.
What is holding you back from your dreams? This year instead of working around the difficult truth I challenge you to face it head on. We'll do it together. How is that for a resolution?!
Right now I am reading Put Your Dreams To The Test by John Maxwell. I just started, but today one of the sections I read was on being “willing to bet on yourself.” The author used an example from Akeelah and the Bee when Akeelah reads her spelling coach's plaque with Nelson Mandela’s infamous speech inscribed on it. After she reads it her coach asks her what it means. She says "That I'm not supposed to be afraid...of me." I couldn't even finish the sentence. The word “me” looked my name, it felt so personal. Sometimes it takes reading a book or having a conversation to realize how deeply old wounds run.
It had never occurred to me that perhaps pursuing my dreams presents a challenge for me, not because I don’t have buy-in from others, but because I don’t have buy-in from me. If confidence is key then perhaps a few of my doors to success are still locked. So that is where I need to start.
What is holding you back from your dreams? This year instead of working around the difficult truth I challenge you to face it head on. We'll do it together. How is that for a resolution?!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
A Moving Car, Full Moon, and Good Music
I love road trips! Long or short, I love the opportunity to be alone on the road. Just me, Jesus, and some tunes. Last night for example, I was driving from Savannah to Hilton Head, its a pretty dark drive at night, which is scary for some, but beautiful for me. The moon was still full, and to top it all off I was listening to my most favorite audio ever right now, Switchfoot's "Hello Hurricane." Amazing! If you haven't heard it, make it a priority in 2010, especially if you are going through something especially storm-like.
Anywhoo, when I got to "Always," last night I was so inspired that I started choreographing in my head. Talk about multi-tasking. And by the end of the song, I was so full, of movement, music, and awe, that I was completely surrendered in worship. It was beautiful!
Just thinking of what 2009 was, who I became, and how at every turn I was reinforced by a loving savior. All of a sudden the lyrics to the song sounded as if the Savior Himself was whispering them to me, "...and I am always, always, Always yours..." The most comforting words in a world that moves too quickly to grasp anything for long.
I adore Him.
Anywhoo, when I got to "Always," last night I was so inspired that I started choreographing in my head. Talk about multi-tasking. And by the end of the song, I was so full, of movement, music, and awe, that I was completely surrendered in worship. It was beautiful!
Just thinking of what 2009 was, who I became, and how at every turn I was reinforced by a loving savior. All of a sudden the lyrics to the song sounded as if the Savior Himself was whispering them to me, "...and I am always, always, Always yours..." The most comforting words in a world that moves too quickly to grasp anything for long.
I adore Him.
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