Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reflection w/ a Side of Shameless Plug

So I just spent three amazing hours rehearsing with two of the most talented women I know. I laughed a lot, which is so healthy that I think I may have added at least a year to my life. I love catching up with old friends, especially when there is incredible music involved (shout out to Ingrid Sibley). If your ears are curious Ingrid , Ayesha Mahmoud, and I are going to tear it up at the Five Spot in Atlanta next Sunday, so if you want indulge in some audio delight, support a great cause, and give yourself a healthy dose of laughter, be there.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Games in the Key of Life

A friend and I came up with this game the other day. We started by naming something that we want, then we would list something that we need. The game became even more interesting when the item listed as a need was necessary to accomplish the want. For example: I want a platinum album but I need to finish my demo (true story). Not only was it incredibly entertaining, it was also extremely helpful. Sometimes we get ahead of ourselves. We want certain things without ever truly considering what having them will require. Dreaming big is healthy, I think its just as important as that apple a day. But just like an apple doesn't have all you need to survive, neither does a dream. So, you know what you want, what do you need?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hoorah for Routine

So I am challenging myself to post something new every Sunday. So be on the look out for new music, movie, book and/or life lesson reviews every Sunday.
Love you guys,

Just 1 Secret to Success

Each day is an opportunity to fight. The battles you failed yesterday can be won today. But if you are not careful, not aware, then the battles you won yesterday can be failed today.
What makes a life great or note-worthy is consistency. People who gain international attention and win countless awards are never those who had a few triumphs here and there. True recognition is reserved only for those who habitually strive for excellence. These are the people who are always searching for new ways to achieve or discover greatness.
Make sure your focus is straight ahead not on the successes or failures of yesterday. Take the lesson alone, without the emotional baggage, and use it to win today.

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Theme Song for Service

Since my word for 2010 is service, then my theme song is definitely "Follow You" by Leeland and Brandon Heath.

Close your eyes, and listen to the words. Its a soundtrack for the kind of person I want to become. Every time I listen to it there is this strange mixture of conviction and hope. Conviction about not feeling the urgency sooner, and hope for what this new urgency will inevitably lead me to. Plus the song itself is just...awesome. I heart Brandon Heath, and Leeland, whom I just discovered, is now on my favorites list. Man I wish I had an ipod! This song would totally be on repeat.

Happy Listening