Saturday, May 29, 2010

The 25th Year

So, I am now 25 years old. I know its supposed to be taboo for women to talk about their age, but I as I have said before I don't get old, I get better. So those numbers getting higher each year will not be allowed to scare me.

I have always had the blessing of having friends who are older than me. So I usually get a sneak peek at what each year will hold. Now, of course this only works a little because experiences are different for each person, but from age 18 I have always heard one thing about year 25. The unanimous word on the street is that 25 is DIF-FI-CULT! There is reference to it in songs (see John Mayer's famous line "might be a quarter life crisis."), and countless conversations with my 30+ friends.

One thing that I have noticed is that it is never really described as bad, just difficult and I have a theory on why. Now I may get in trouble for this with my fellow 20-somethings, but I think in our early twenties we are just sort of finishing up our adolescence. Still exploring/experimenting with our new freedom. But something about 25, something about being halfway to 30 makes us realize that now is when we truly must decide who we want to be and what kind of life we want to lead, because if old habits die hard, and time is short, then we have little time to break all the bad ones and create good ones. Now is when I effect and witness the greatest changes in myself. And honestly, I am really excited about that. Do I think that it will all feel like butterflies and lightening bugs? No. But am I willing to push forward to experience the BEST possible me? Absolutely. I have to be. There is too much to do to be afraid.

So if you are 25 and up and remember what the shift in your life felt like, and pray for me. Stand with me and pray that I become all that God has created me to be, and if you are under 25 and reading this, I didn't mean to scare you. I just want you to know that you are bigger than the mountains you will face, it may look insurmountable, but trust me, if the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and David dwells in you, then there is no way to measure the greatness that is working in you. Pray for me and I will pray for you.

Here is to an AMAZING 25th year!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A True Jesus Girl

Imagine the world's brightest and most brilliant minds. Now, sift through them for 8 years. What do you call the minds that remain? Doctors. Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you, my cousin, and a wonderful example of a true Jesus Girl, Doctor Liliana Adaku Kanu.

In addition to being ridiculously intelligent this young woman has the nerve to be amazingly generous, incredibly humble, and she possess one of the most beautifully pure hearts for Christ that I have ever encountered. Ok, I really love adjectives, but not as much as I love this lady.

Honestly my weekend in Madison, Wisconsin was awesome. I met new family members, had some AWESOME ice cream, and went shopping with my little cousins, and it was all increased by Lilian's selfless nature. There we all were to celebrate her huge accomplishment, and this disciple was serving us! Literally, she was the last one to sit down at every meal and would not let us pay for anything. She was celebrating us, and I was completely floored. She taught me a very valuable lesson about being a woman of faith this weekend, and throughout our entire relationship. So thanks Lilian, I love you.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Thanks

There are women who can love a child with an unconquerable love, the nine months of a miraculous bond are not necessary. These women are supernatural heroes and agents of a truly loving God. There is one such woman that I would like to celebrate today. Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to introduce you to Ms. Geraldine Williams, my "Tia" and a Jesus Girl of the first order.

When I was seventeen years old my mother passed away from lymphoma, and though, (or perhaps because) my mother, my aunt, my little cousin and I had lived together all of my life; the dynamic of our family changed significantly. But what didn't change was my Aunt's steadfast love for us, and her constant consideration for our well-being. She was my "other mother" and she taught me everything from how to invest my money to how to cook my greens. And despite the overwhelming pain after having lost not only a sister and friend, but a soul mate and roommate for most of her life; she cared for, paid for and watched over two teenage girls and got them both off to college. She is miraculously beautiful and marvelously wise, and I absolutely adore her.

In addition to everything else, I have watched her exceed the heights of her love as she raises her granddaughter with patience and a God-filled heart. I am immensely grateful to have her in my life and I pray that God will bless her with ALL of her heart's desires. She has taught me a very valuable lesson about love and motherhood; perhaps it is the heart of a woman, not the experience of giving birth, that makes her a mother.

Happy Mother's Day Tia!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The S Word

So, in celebration of the wonderful dance show "Wha Cha Don't Wanna Tap Into?" that was performed on May 1st (and will possibly be performed again in August, wink wink) I decided to challenge myself by asking; what don't I want to tap into?

That's easy, sex, whether we talk about it or not it is always there; the white elephant in the room, if you will. And it’s a BIG deal; anyone who tells you different is lying, either to you or to themselves.

I was super hesitant about writing this blog, but everywhere I turned this week the subject kept coming up. So many scenarios that made it super clear that the s word is definitely causing friction.

But I think that the problem isn't the word or the act, rather the misuse of both. Sex should be neither a scratching post nor an idealistic fairytale. Both exaggerating and oversimplifying it is dangerous. So, I want to learn to accept it as a gift from a loving God to a husband and wife, respect it as a powerful gift (that like everything can be used for good or bad), and embrace it as a wonderful expression of fidelity and affection. I think that is very important for us to be honest about sex being more than just sexy. I have found from observation that the second we forget that, is usually followed by the second we make the biggest mistakes.

Just think s, for sacred.